Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality
This Bulb PROACTIVELY goes out into the living/working space continuously with your system fan blower to sanitize airborne and surface viruses, mold, bacteria, smoke, allergens, voc’s and odors. It also reduces dust by clumping together microscopic particles, so your system filter can capture it. It does not produce ozone.
Unlike its industry predecessors, it has very low maintenance. The bulb lasts up to 5 years (4 Year Warranty) and the unit is warrantied for 7 years. Previous models had a 2 year bulb/5 year unit warranty. Many brands have only a 1 year bulb.
It is also important to note that Air Purification technology has been around for many decades and has evolved from being a passive technology (only treating what passes the bulb etc) to a proactive one (see above).
Please let us know if you have any questions.
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Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) – “the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants. Gaining knowledge about and managing typical indoor pollutants can assist in lowering the risk of health issues within indoor environments.” – defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Indoor air, on average, is 2-5 times more polluted than outside air, and has been seen up to 100 times worse. (EPA)
- In the United States (US) alone, IAQ is one of the top five environmental health risks for you, your family and friends. (EPA)
- On average, each person takes anywhere from 17,000-23,000 breaths each day. (EPA)
- Whether you are in your home, at work, at school or in your car, Americans spend approximately 90% of their time indoors. (Center of Disease Control and Prevention)
- In the US, indoor air pollution has resulted in 40% reduction in productivity and a 30% rise in absenteeism in the workplace and in schools. (EPA and RGF Environmental Group)If we were to have a few solutions to the concerns above, would you be interested to hear more?
Whether you or your family have allergies, asthma, other health concerns or simply want a healthier breathing environment, State Automatic has a variety of IAQ solutions to take on these problems.
To learn more call 630.879.8600 and ask for James!
“Our goal, YOUR total comfort.”
Questions to Ponder:
- How has your SYSTEM been running?
- Have you had any trouble with DUST?
- Are your UTILITY BILLS too high in the summer or winter?
- Do you have any rooms that are too HOT in the SUMMER … and too COLD in the WINTER?
- Does your air feel too DRY in the winter or too STICKY/ HUMID in the summer?
- Do you or your family members have trouble with allergies or asthma?
- Does your home have HARD WATER either with Lime and Scale buildup or the need of a water softener?
- Indoor air or water quality products can solve many of these common everyday issues.
- By purifying the air supplied throughout your home, State Automatic will create a healthier indoor environment for your family. In today’s tightly sealed homes, it’s easy to think you’re protected from pollution. Unfortunately, there are billions of unwanted guests hanging out in the air you breathe. Dust mites. Mold. Mildew. Skin flakes. Pet dander. Pollen. A well-insulated home makes the problem worse, circulating and re-circulating the same stale, contaminated air. When you call State Automatic with indoor air quality concerns, our HVAC specialists will help you take control of the air your breathe.
Over the years, tightening homes to conserve energy has meant less ventilation. With no air coming in, there’s less opportunity for bad gasses to escape. There are possible sources of pollutants in nearly every room in your house. Combustion devices and gas-fired appliances such as space heaters, ranges, ovens, furnaces and hot water heaters release gases and particles into the air. Electronics, furniture, carpets, paint, cleaning solvents, pest control and pets all contribute contaminants. It’s virtually impossible to eliminate all potential sources, but through proper filtration we can clean the air to provide a healthy home environment.
The majority of Americans spend more time inside than outside. Poor indoor air quality has been linked to a number of illnesses. Airborne germs negatively impact indoor air quality as they are blown past the furnace or air conditioning filter and circulated. Bad air can cause coughing, sore throats, nausea, itchy eyes, frequent headaches, long lasting flu-like symptoms, bronchitis and even asthma attacks. Does anyone in your household suffer from allergies? You air quality may worsen your suffering. Fortunately, it’s quite simple to improve indoor air quality. The qualified technicians from State Automatic will identify ways to make your home a better place to live.
Through proper filtration and ventilation, State Automatic will help you to achieve consistent comfort throughout your home, and also maintain proper humidity levels, reduce dust, improve HVAC system efficiency, and ensure you breathe easier. Call us at 630-326-6330 to discuss the many cost-effective and energy saving solutions available from State Automatic.