Comfort™ Non-Programmable Thermostat – TC-NAC01

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Comfort™ Non-Programmable Thermostat – TC-NAC01

SKU: 36fc8a23e2d4 Category:

Serving The Western Suburbs

Batavia, IL | Geneva, IL | St Charles, IL | Wheaton, IL | Glen Ellyn, IL | Elburn, IL | Wayne, IL


This Comfort non-programmable, large-screen thermostat keeps it simple with easy instructions printed right inside the door. It’s a breeze to maximize your comfort using this electronic thermostat configured for systems using an air conditioner for cooling.

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a:2:{s:12:"key-features";a:6:{s:4:"name";s:12:"KEY FEATURES";s:5:"value";s:737:"STANDARD Large, illuminated display Auto changeover between heating and cooling Fixed-schedule based filter replacement