Infinity® High Wall Indoor Unit 40MPHA

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Infinity® High Wall Indoor Unit 40MPHA

SKU: 40MPHA Category:

Serving The Western Suburbs

Batavia, IL | Geneva, IL | St Charles, IL | Wheaton, IL | Glen Ellyn, IL | Elburn, IL | Wayne, IL


Extremely quiet indoor high wall unit that is compatible with select single and multi-zone ductless systems

At 42 SEER, there’s nothing more efficient when paired with its outdoor single zone counterpart 38MPRA. The High Wall is flexible to fit any application from 38MPRA single zone to the 38MGR multi-zone system. Talk about controllability, the new 40MPHA indoor unit features either built-in Wi-Fi® that gives you control from virtually anywhere or compatibility with third party thermostats when the 24V Interface is installed. The High Wall also offers a Relative Humidity Sensor to customize the humidity level for more comfortable air and an occupancy sensor that senses a person in a room and can direct airflow either toward or away from that person.

According to system ratings maintained by AHRI as of January 22, 2018, in accordance with the AHRI Unitary Small Equipment Operations Manual. The 9,000 Btu/h single zone ductless has a 42 SEER Rating.

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